Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What effect does the financial crisis have on the luxury fashion Essay

What effect does the financial crisis have on the luxury fashion market - Essay Example A luxury good is a good for which the demand of the consumer increases as the income level increases. Luxury goods have always been a symbol of prosperity and wealth for ages, for the spendthrifts, who desire and enjoy buying. Owning and wanting to be the owner of luxury items such as the latest designer clothes, jewelry, watches, is a pleasure on its own. Items that comes with a heavy price tag than ordinary items and have a known brand name is identified as luxury item. In economics, luxury goods have said to have high elasticity of demand, which means that when buyers become wealthier they would like to spend more and more cash on the luxury items. It also means that when there is a turn down in income level there will be a decrease in demand. Both income and demand are directly proportional to each other, if one increases the other rises as well and vice versa. Income elasticity of demand is not constant with respect to income, and the demand may changes at different income level s. That is to say, a luxury good becomes a normal or an inferior good at a higher income, if we take an example of a rich person who would stop buying increasing numbers of luxury cars for his automobile collection to start collecting airplanes as his purchasing power increases. Some manufactured products, got the status of luxury item due to their quality, design and better performance as compared to the products, which are said to be the subsitute of the item. More importantly, due to an increased competition in the market, consumers are less brand loyal and would switch to another brand easily. To retain customers, it becomes essential that the luxury item should maintain and improve the functionality, features and style, with increased durability and performance. Luxury goods tend to play a vital role of status symbol as these goods identified the purchasing power of people who own them. These goods are not necessarily

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gender Identity Essay Example for Free

Gender Identity Essay There are a couple factors that determine gender identity; like genetic factors, environmental situations, psychosocial factors, and even sexual hormones. â€Å"Gender identity is almost always consistent with chromosomal sex. † (Rathus, S. A. , Nevid, J. S. , and Fichner-Rathus, L. 2005). From the moment sperm fertilized an ovum, our destiny to be a girl or a boy is chosen. Usually at this point; 23 chromosomes from the male donor and 23 from the female come together and combine to make a â€Å"zygote†. Starting about six weeks into the pregnancy, our bodies began to form and create into what they are meant to be, and after the seventh week, our genetic code (XY or XX) begins to really assert itself. Gender identity is not always a term referring to a person’s anatomic sex, â€Å"sex assignment† is now the correct term to ask a person their anatomic sex that occurred at birth. It is said that by 36 months old, most children are said to have a firm sense of their gender identity. Our genes play an important role in determining our gender identity. The SRY gene (which is the gene that determines the Y male gene) will bind to DNA and distort, and alter it, creating the testes. The gene called Sox 9 is the gene that regulates the expression of SRY. If Sox 9 did not get to regulate the SRY gene; it would turn into a male fetus. We without help from the SRY gene, female reproductive organs would form instead of male organs. Recent research suggests that as many as one in every hundred individuals may have some intersex characteristics. † (Domurat, 1998). Some people do not believe that their gender identity corresponds with their biological sex (mainly transgender people, but also including; transsexuals and inter-sexed individuals as well. ) Difficulties can begin because society maintains that a person must accept a manner of social gender roles, which is based on their sex, and the person may feel that it is not consistent with their gender identity. This is known as â€Å"gender identity disorder†, and by definition means that the individual is uncomfortable with their anatomic gender, and presents themselves or act like a member of the opposite sex. Masculinity and femininity are terms that we hear every day in our lives. For example, we hear that Shawn is so secure in his masculinity that he is comfortable being a house-husband or that Wendy’s mastectomy is threatening her sense of femininity. Even though most people think of masculinity and femininity on opposite ends of one continuum, it does not make it true. Just because an individual may possess some traits of both categories does not make them too masculine or feminine. Where a person should be placed on the masculinity and femininity continuum, all depends on the degree to which the show or report specific gender-linked qualities, and behaviors. The midpoint on this hypothetical continuum is known as the zero point, and if a person has failed to develop gender-role identification, or they have transcended it, then they would be placed at this point of the line. Those who show strong sex-role identifications would go at either one end or the other of the hypothetical continuum. One of the factors in my life that have helped determine my gender identity is; by nature I am a female because I have the sexual reproduction system of a female. That is not what makes me a female though. What makes me a female is how I carry myself in everyday life. I am secure in my womanhood, and have never felt like I should have been a male instead. I like to dress like a woman, talk like a woman, and even use manners that are considered â€Å"womanly†. I chose to keep long, pretty, unpolished fingernails, and I wear make-up on special occasions, but since I do not wear it all the time that does not make me masculine. I was raised in an environment that my parents, teachers, and any other important figures in my life treated me like a female; therefore, I act like a typical societal female. I even grew up with toys that were specifically designed for female use like; dolls and make-up, and cooking toys. The masculine and feminine traits that I attribute to myself using the hypothetical continuum are kind of split in some ways. I can identify with both points of view regarding females and males. My mother thought it best to teach me things that most of the time need a man. She taught me these â€Å"manly† activities because she believes that women should be independent and never need a man for anything. Women are just as good as men (she used to tell me), and women should never be made to feel differently on the subject. I whole-heartedly agree. In conclusion, gender identity and gender roles can cause some conflicts in some people within their daily lives. These disputes can be lessened when the individual is able to develop a secure masculine or feminine gender identity about how they perceive themselves. There are rites of passages that help young female into womanhood, or a young male into manhood, depending on the culture around you as to what the rite of passage may include. Once an individual has figured out what identifies them as either masculine or feminine, they will be able to progress their own positive feelings about masculinity and femininity.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Experiment to Compare the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Experiment to Compare the Enthalpy Changes of Combustion of Different Alcohols Introduction: This plan will try to outline how the experiment of comparing changes of combustion of different alcohols will be conducted and what results are expected. Background When chemical reactions take place they are often accompanied by energy changes. Chemical reactions most frequently occur in open vessels. That is, they take place at constant pressure. Enthalpy refers to energy at constant pressure (volume may vary). Enthalpy: An example is best to illustrate to show enthalpy works. Methane - how much energy does its molecules contain? The first thing needed is the amount of methane present = 1 mole (16 g). What ever its value, the total amount of energy in a given amount of a substance (sometimes called the Heat energy content) is known as the enthalpy, denoted H. Methane is a fuel to get energy from it, react it with oxygen. CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) The above chemical equation shows that 2 moles (64 g) of oxygen molecules are required to burn 1 mole of methane. Again, it is impossible to know the total enthalpy (heat energy content) of the oxygen. Likewise, we can't know the total heat energy content of 1 mole of CO2 and 2 moles of H2O (the products). Enthalpy Change H = (HCO2 + 2HH2O) - (HCH4 + 2HO2) In general, H = Hproducts - Hreactants But remember, this is theoretical; it is not possible to determine the absolute value of the enthalpy of a chemical element or compound. However, H values for chemical reactions can be obtained. They can be measured experimentally, or calculated using Hess's Law (see later), or worked out in other ways. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions When chemical reactions take place they are often accompanied by heat changes. The system (the reactants which form products) may give out heat to the surroundings, causing them to warm up. In this case the reactants have more stored energy (greater total enthalpy) than the products. Such chemical reactions are said to be exothermic. The system may take heat from the surroundings, causing them to cool down. In this case the reactants have less stored energy (less total enthalpy) than the products. Such chemical reactions are said to be endothermic. Exothermic reactions give out energy to the surroundings. Endothermic reactions take energy from the surroundings. Most reactions take place at constant pressure... It is possible to measure changes in heat energy that accompany chemical reactions. Most reactions take place in vessels that are open to the atmosphere, that is, they take place at constant pressure (volume may vary). The special name given to a change in heat energy content measured at constant pressure is enthalpy change.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English Essay Creative Writing – Bullying

English Writing Dear Diary I am standing alone in a lake. The water is still, and there is no one with me – nothing containing any life†¦ and yet I still feel like something is observing me. I can’t hear anything or see through the thick blanket of fog that carries an air of melancholy across the marsh. I am standing alone in a lake. Until I open my eyes. Tranquillity leaves me and I am transported to a place where there is no adequation; where hierarchy takes over and all beings abide by it. If you enter this place and you begin the journey deficiently, you will never be accepted into this complex community they call school.Date I gasped for air between sobs. Tears from my wide, moistened eyes streamed unchecked down my pale cheeks. The tears tasted brackish to my lips, with a meaning tint of bitterness in them: bitterness that I felt and enjoin to the others for putting me in such a base and pitiful condition as I was in that day; or always, for that matter. Tear s blinded my eyes as a reinvigorated surge of despair swept me. A muffled groan of grief arose in my throat, and my head throbbed with pain. But I kept silent, because I had learned to do so now.The way I have learnt to adjust to my surroundings in this alien, hostile school, and had learnt to accept countless jeers and merciless teasing from the people around me. I sat staring deeply at the engraved graffiti, each letter giving a fierce image. â€Å"Must die†. They had warned it was going to be bad, although I never expected this. I never was a strong person. If only I had the courage to stand up and stop this. Date My spirit broke with the dawn. I opened my eyes to a new day full of potential – nonetheless, the desolation of yesterday was still lodged within: the thought of facing another day was abhorrent to me.I yearned for the day when I could leap out into the world with a beaming smile spread wide across my glowing face, prepared for what opportunities the day w ould offer. Regrettably, there would be no such energy for me today, or any other day for that matter. This day, just as any other, I tore myself away from the only place on earth I could feel marginally safe, to trudge to the haunt of my tormentors. I knew without a single doubt that there was not even a semblance of the most miniscule of smiles on my face but that I did, in fact, bear the dejected expression of a prisoner as he ambles towards the gallows.Scuttling innocently through the twisting corridors I bore the same expression; head down, shoulders hunched, avoiding any eye contact – my desperate attempts to deter the despot for one day at least. Despite my efforts, there was no escape, as seemingly within the second of having that naively optimistic thought, a cruel, callous voice demanded I surrender my broach. Fear spiked, as it always did, but with it came something else, an alien emotion †¦ Looking back now, I see that it must have been the cumulative effect of months of torment that brought me to the realisation that at this point I had reached the nadir of my life.Deriding cackles pierced my ears and this time I recognised the emotion, fury. It burned through my veins, along with the memories of the past to form a feeling of overwhelming power. I met the daggers that would usually invoke terror, and calmly, I said â€Å"No. † Date With my newfound sense of worth – the desire to exact some kind of revenge for being so subjugated was inexplicably tempting. Though some say that by forgiving we become virtuous, was it not Shakespeare himself who said, â€Å"If you wrong us, shall we not revenge? †

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Making Moral Decisions in Different Religious Context Essay

Does religion make a Difference to Moral decision making? Bibliography Declaration Introduction The title of my project is making moral decisions in different religious context. The initial aim was to gain insight into various world religions and determine if ones faith influences the decisions one makes. In order to achieve this goal the project will focus on seven religions differentiated by origin. Confucianism, Taoism both of Chinese origin, Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are of Semitic origin, Buddhism and Hinduism which are of Indian origin. Analysing the traditions, practices and belief systems will establish that moral guidelines exist within a religion and religious deity. These guidelines however do not force a decision upon an individual; belief systems simply guide a person in the correct direction toward a moral lifestyle. This in turn draws attention to decision making and how a human can act as a moral agent. The aim is to achieve knowledge and insight into questions such as how does one make a distinction between good and bad? What determines if an act is moral or immoral? Who and what is involved in the decision making process? Do certain factors such as background and life experience influence the choices one makes? These are the questions that will be addressed . Researching theologians and their perspective on the matter of moral decision making will clarify and shed light on the importance of the conscience and how an individual should evaluate a situation using a principle called the triple font theory. The concept of immorality shall be touched on in trying to find out if an act; although immoral does it constitute intrinsic evil? The final aim is to investigate morality in each specific religion, to achieve this objective the knowledge and information obtained from the research of previous topics will be put into practice in the different cultures. This project begs to ask the question, does religion make a difference to moral decision making? Chapter One: World view of seven world Religions. Religions of Chinese origins The Chinese traditions and religions share similar features and significant differences. The idea of nature is of huge importance and the concept of harmony with nature and oneself is the defining characteristic of the ancient Chinese belief system. There is an emphasis placed on the welfare and well being of the individual in the present life as opposed to a future one. What separates Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism is the meaning which is associated with nature. Confucianism places emphasis on the nature of the human. Taoism focuses on harmony with the universe and Chinese Buddhism sees an amalgamation of the nature of the universe with the nature of the self and also with the Buddha nature. Chinese people however have no difficulty in living by all three traditions and have no loyalties to any specific tradition. For this project the focus will be on Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism This belief system as stated previously is concerned with the nature of the human. The aim in one’s life is to become â€Å"fully human†. Their view of life is that nature was received by heaven. Achieving a good life is living by the will of heaven; this is only possible by living according to good human nature. Developing consideration for fellow beings and having a sense of humanity is essential. Family plays a huge role in Confucianism as it is where these values are first established. Confucius was a man born in 552BC and died in 479BC. He was born in a period known as the spring and autumn period in the independent state of Lu. He was well educated and had an enormous interest in the history of his people. At twenty two years of age he opened a school where he educated others. He was later promoted to office of minister of justice. Confucius introduced a moral order never seen before and the state prospered from the changes. He tried to tackle the state of Lu to conform to his teachings yet failed; the preservation of a good government was not a priority for Lu.